Dyscalculia Mentor

One of our graduates is now available to help working with students who have dyscalculia.

Here is what the website says:

Robert Regan (M.A., Education), founder of Dyscalculia Mentor, has over 20 years of experience teaching in public schools. He has been teaching math in Virginia since 2013 and received certification in dyscalculia tutoring from Dyscalculia Services in 2023. He has a passion for helping students generate insight into mathematical concepts.

Seeing math students thrive when they can make discoveries at their own level inspired Robert to focus his attention on students with dyscalculia. He saw that the power of genuine, hands-on math instruction can build bridges throughout the dyscalculic mind.

Dyscalculia Mentor serves students in central Virginia (Richmond and surrounding areas). 

See all of it HERE