Diagnosed as an Adult

A great story that brings it home how important it is to get diagnosed.

For about 20 years, Kiki Rakowsky tried to unearth the root cause of her panic attacks, disorganization, and analysis paralysis, which stopped her from finishing school and made her life feel increasingly difficult. Originally diagnosed with anxiety and PTSDADHD only came onto her radar in her 40s—in part because the Instagram algorithm clocked her interest in ADHD-related memes. “I started to feel like, wow, these posts are posting at me.” She broached the possibility in therapy and was eventually diagnosed with ADHD and dyscalculia, a math-related learning disability.

Read it all HERE

What are people with dyscalculia good at?

Interesting views on people with dyscalculia, although there are many different forms of dyscalculia and these things may not be valid for all of them.

AI advancements in screening and intervention tools for dyslexicand dyscalculic children. 

This paper offers a comprehensive review of recent AI advancements in screening and intervention tools for dyslexic and dyscalculic children. An exploration of a variety of AI-powered tools and models tailored for intervention, catering to students across different age groups, ranging from preschoolers to adults

Read all about it HERE

Introduction to Dyscalculia

A comedian about dyscalculia

Comedian, ADHD Coach and Advocate Stacey Machelle, creator of ADHD is the New Black has made it her mission to help others who struggle as she has.

In this video, she opens up to Jessica McCabe about her experiences managing her personal finances in light of her dyscalculia and ADHD. Stacey uses humor to share her journey and encourage others in theirs.