Dyscalculia; understanding and supporting students in the classroom

See more HERE

How teachers join forces to understand dyscalculia

With little research or consensus on the topic — unlike its reading counterpart, dyslexia — educators are striving to identify and help kids with it.

Read more about it HERE

Running a business with dyslexia and dyscalculia

Read more from her HERE

Neurodiversity in business

Neurodiversity encompasses a wide spectrum of human neurotypes, including neurotypical individuals as well as neurodivergent individuals such as those with Autism, Attention Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, and Tourette’s, among others.

Despite the significant talents and contributions neurodivergent individuals bring, statistics from the National Autistic Society and CIPD Poll highlight the challenges they face in the workplace, with low employment rates and lack of focus on neurodiversity.

  • Only 16% of autistic adults are in full-time paid employment.
  • Only 1 in 10 organisations are focusing on neurodiversity at work.
  • 45% of people have lost or left their job because of challenges due to being misunderstood.

Neurodiversity in Business (NiB) serves as a platform for corporates to integrate neurodivergent individuals into the workforce, support their career progression, and foster a better understanding of neurodiversity among companies. NiB is endorsed by numerous organizations and supported by global leaders in neurodiversity, with a mission to educate, demonstrate, celebrate, and empower neurodivergent individuals in the workplace.

Read more about it HERE

The weel app

Traditional calendars are not ideal for people with ADHD or dyscalculia.
Time blindness makes time slippery. Weel nails it down.

Get the app HERE