Podcast for week 50, 2018 the wrap up
- Austism & Dyscalculia
- Digging into the Approximate Number System
- Four benefits of considering neurodiversity in marketing and design
- Special education a growing priority in teacher training circles
- Brain Sync
- Are Down Syndrome and Developmental Dyscalculia related?
- Mathematical word problem solving
Podcast for week 49, 2018
- advent calendar
- Dyscalculia in adults
- Dyscalculia podcast
- writing numbers backward is that dyscalculia?
- Dyscalculia in Dutch
Podcast for weeks 47 and 48, 2018
- Dyscalculia and music
- Toys that teach
- Developmental implications of math anxiety
- tips to help children with dyscalculia
- Dispelling myths about mathematics
- your child’s memory
- Does your child have trouble with numbers
Podcast for week 46, 2018
- Dyscalculia runs in the family
- just get on with it
- Brain traffic
- work on your math skills
- how one parent worked on dyscalculia
Podcast for week 45, 2018
- Where is that brain capacity to do tricky math?
- stressed?
- overlap between dyslexia and dyscalculia
- teacher’s understanding of dyscalculia
- dyscalculia defined
Podcast for week 44, 2018
Podcast for week 43, 2018
- teaching tips
- you are not alone with your dyscalculia
- shocking solution for math anxiety
- homeschooling with learning disabilities
- great free tool
Podcast for week 42, 2018
- Overlap dyscalculia and other issues
- use what you have got
- fMRI by the thousands
- Improve math and science education nationally
- How logical are those touch points
Podcast for week 41, 2018
- the inclusive classroom
- just follow the research
- new modules at the dyscalculia tutor training
- dyscalculia explained
- business lessons out of dyscalculia
Podcast for week 40, 2018
- dangerous dyscalculia
- more dyscalculia awareness
- math mindset in a drawing
- focus on their strengths not their struggles
- computational teaching
Podcast for week 39, 2018
- Neuro divergent charity
- a personal story
- another personal story
- celebrate the numberline
- Make dyscalculia understandable for children
Podcast for week 38, 2018
Podcast for week 37, 2018
- Parental involvement
- Lack of Dyscalculia Awareness and screening
- Dyscalculia goes to the supreme court
- rubbish with numbers
- detection is the issue
Podcast for week 36, 2018
- process over outcome
- Diagnose or not that’s the question
- the growth mindset in a picture
- Animated dyscalculia
- have you heard of ST math?
Podcast for week 35, 2018
- celebrity attention for dyscalculia
- using finger counting is not all bad
- great overview article
- night school with dyscalculia
- company policies and neuro divers employees
Podcast for week 32/33/34, 2018
- clear explanation of the adhd brain
- helped by a teacher now helping teachers
- memorization vs automaticity
- screen all learning disabilities in half an hour?
- the debate on math drilling
Podcast for week 31, 2018
Podcast for week 30, 2018
- math anxiety but not bad at math
- coffee and math performance
- is dyslexia the source of my math troubles
- a wealth of resources
- don’t you hate that math homework
Podcast for week 29, 2018
- It’s all about the teacher
- artificial intelligence helps children with learning disabilities
- Improved class performance
- Check your numeracy level and get some help
- Going through life with dyscalculia
Podcast for week 28, 2018
- Dyscalculic order processing issue
- A great example
- Overview learning disabilities
- that growth mindset really works
- a new way of learning math
Podcast for week 27, 2018
- Is the growth mindset significant?
- New site about neuro diversity
- a day for a math game
- working with neuro diversity
- Dyscalculia Awareness
Podcast for week 26, 2018
Dyscalculia and Alzheimer’s
A personal journey
Living with dyscalculia
the state of math in the US
math games for the vacation time
Podcast for week 25, 2018
- the counting game
- math anxiety or dyscalculia or both?
- our podcast now on google and your phone
- a free math game
- prevent the summer (math) slide
Podcast for week 24, 2018
- a hero with dyscalculia
- early warning signs even in your baby
- is it the one or the other?
- webinar july 18
- stop worrying about SAT or ACT
Podcast for week 23, 2018
- ADHD linked to other mental health conditions
- Finland’s approach
- Dyscalculia what works?
- is Dyscalculia a genetic disorder?
- Neuro diverse library
Podcast for week 22, 2018
- stress waiting for the results
- some professors are just ignorant
- size matters, also with dyscalculia
- fractions
- Nothing is impossible
Podcast for week 21, 2018
- lawsuit for accommodations
- deal with fractions
- focus on the strengths for a change
- learning disabilities and your employer
- more proof that the wiring is all wrong
Podcast for week 20, 2018
- vizualize the numbers
- schoolmath may not do the trick
- national numeracy day
- everyone should do this math course
- being mary jane
Podcast for week 19, 2018
- Did we mention Early Detection?
- Technology for Dyscalculia
- The 10X table
- and it may not be dyscalculia
- Dyscalculia Awareness
Podcast for week 18, 2018
- Everyone can begin to love math.
- Negativity is difficult
- The Mental Number Line
- ADHD abuse
- Dyscalculia infosheets
Podcast for week 17, 2018
Podcast for week 16, 2018
- Language confusion adds to the problem
- games for children with dyscalculia
- That numeracy map
- About what time is it?
- Twice-Exceptional
Podcast for week 15, 2018
- How we think about math matters
- struggle leads to solutions
- Not new but interesting shape math
- please stop memorizing math
- dyscalculia in the movies
Podcast for week 14, 2018
- Dyscalculia go ahead and label it
- Help battling test anxiety
- discovering dyscalculia
- get into college with dyscalculia
- Missing out
Podcast for week 13, 2018
- Yes you can retrain the brain
- dyscalculia, higher education and the workplace
- We are all numbers people
- plan for the summer
- Other ways Dyscalculia can affect you
Podcast for week 12, 2018
- dyscalculia is so unknown
- make your iep work
- be positive about math
- math talks improve math scores
- A computer with dyscalculia
Podcast for week 11, 2018
- guidance on teaching math
- problem for struggling AND advanced learners
- Pi day but did you know?
- important 504 or IEP
- the hidden classroom problem
Podcast for week 10, 2018
- Did you know she had dyscalculia?
- Dyslectic and dyscalculia brain activity similar
- celebrate special days about math
- computer assisted neurocognitive rehabilitiation
- Girls in math
Podcast for week 9, 2018
- beautiful schools create great brains
- memories myths and mysteries
- dyscalculia fact sheet
- a screening instrument for dyscalculia
- context is important
LDA Special Podcast
Podcast for week 8, 2018
- about white matter
- connect math to the real world
- answers from the department of education
- Michelle is back with a tip
- in college with dyscalculia
Podcast for week 7, 2018
- There is NO math person
- doing math around the house
- valentines day
- looking at angles
- 5 games with pentamios
Podcast for week 6, 2018
Podcast for week 5, 2018
- Children’s yoga
- Be positive about math
- Tutors are good to relieve math anxiety
- Can a Non math test predict later math success
- the app wheel on a poster
Podcast for week 4, 2018
- Apply design thinking to teaching
- labeling or not
- inclusive teaching
- improving results with music
- what is numeracy
Podcast for week 3, 2018
- Abusing “bad at numbers”
- tips for teaching
- We need more dyscalculia tutors
- Computer aided instruction and dyscalculia
- Web accessibility
Podcast for week 2, 2018