How can people be tested for dyscalculia?

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One of my particular interests within special needs is dyscalculia, and the question I am asked most is that of how people can be tested for dyscalculia. It is also a difficult question to answer.

The main reason for testing for dyscalculia would be to ensure that they are getting the right sort of maths education. However, it is my belief that the methods that can be used to help overcome maths problems in children – and indeed in adults – are the same whatever the cause of the inability to do maths.

A child might struggle with maths because he/she is dyscalculic. Or because the child missed a lot of education through illness. Or because the child misbehaved in class, or didn’t like the teacher. Maybe the child heard the parent say, “Don’t worry I was no good at maths either” and so thought it was ok not to be able to do maths, and so stopped trying. Maybe the maths teacher was off sick for a long time and the replacement wasn’t very good.

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