Dyscalculia Diagnostics

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

Researchers agree that dyscalculia refers to the existence of a severe disability in
learning mathematics. Ruijssenaars, Van Luit, and Van Lieshout defined dyscalculia as a disorder characterized by persistent problems with learning and fluency and/or accurate recall and/or application of mathematical knowledge (facts and understanding).

Read all about it HERE

What are the cognitive predictors of dyscalculia? 

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

The website scispace brings us four answers to the above question. Wonderful resource with references to research articles.

Read all about it HERE

Does an adult need a dyscalculia diagnosis?

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

Read more about it HERE or HERE or visit AdultDyscalculia.org

Dyscalculia heard on the radio

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

A listener to a popular radio program heard someone having dyscalculia!

Read all about it HERE

Dyscalculia through the years

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

Read the post by parents who just find out that their child possibly has dyscalculia. They are wondering how this will play out over the years. The other parents on the forum respond.

Read all about it HERE