Dyscalculia: News from the web:
An article from Karen Archer caught our eye. She explains about Dyscalculia, what it is and what to do about it. One paragraph is very interesting though:
Maths difficulties are best thought of as a continuum, not a distinct category, with Dyscalculia at one end of the spectrum – distinguishable from other maths issues due to the severity of difficulties with number sense, including subitising, symbolic and non-symbolic magnitude comparison, and ordering. Dyscalculia can occur in isolation, but often co-occurs with other specific learning difficulties. Estimates vary, but most experts believe that between three to six percent of the population have symptoms of Dyscalculia and therefore, although your child may be struggling with maths, it is unlikely that he or she is truly Dyscalculic.
Her point it that there is a range of math troubles and Dyscalculia is at the one end but there are more issues that can cause math troubles. So always good to get a diagnosis to be sure.
Read all about it: HERE