Dyscalculia: News from the web:
The Additudemag blog gives a great overview of the most common problems with IEP’s or 504 plans and the solutions you will need. Keep this handy if you don’t need it now, you never know when you may run into issues like this.
Read all about it: HERE
- Dyscalculia news and podcasts http://DyscalculiaHeadlines.com
- Dyscalculia for Dyslexia tutors transition training https://dys4dys.org
- Dyscalculia Services https://DyscalculiaServices.com
- Dyscalculia Awareness Training https://DyscalculiaAware.org
- Help you child with math homework https://MomsTeachMath.com
- Math and Dyscalculia Screening test https://DyscalculiaTesting.com
- Dyscalculia Screener https://DyscalculiaScreener.org
- Adult Dyscalculia https://AdultDyscalculia.org
- Become a Dyscalculia Tutor http://DyscalculiaTutorTraining.org
- Ask a question at https://Dyscalculia.ai