Teacher Professional Development

Dr. Schreuder is available to support your Teacher’s Professional Development days.

Please review the available modules below or contact us with your specific needs and we can develop a customized module to fit your program. For more information click here

Dyscalculia Awareness Training

  • Introduction in Dyscalculia
  • Background, History and current Research
  • Dyscalculia in the classroom
  • Screening, Testing & accommodations

Math Anxiety

  • What is Math Anxiety
  • Causes and Consequences
  • Accommodations & Solutions
  • Overcoming Test Anxiety

Math Manipulatives

We review the most popular and most effective manipulatives for various topics and age groups and learn how to use them for maximum results. You can specify what tools to focus on for your group if you have a particular need. 

Math and Dyscalculia Interventions

This is an introduction to our one- or two-day workshops. We review Screening, Testing and Re-mediation. Games, Golden Rules, Curricula and approaches. A very hands-on module! Choose from targeted levels: KG-2, 3-5, and 6-8.

Smart number lines

Students develop mathematical thinking through experiences that match their stage of understanding. Various representations can illustrate new concepts that can be consolidated into one representation: a smart number line. This enhances understanding and reduces the need for memorization and develops proportional thinking. It can be used for unit conversion and helps to make the step to linear graphs in an XY plane. A great presentation for middle school teachers.