The GeoClock

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

The national institute for learning development has this wonderful post featuring the GEOCLOCK, a very nice tool to teach time with some touch manipulation.

Read all about it HERE

Slow reveal graphs

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

it’s an instructional routine designed to promote students’ sensemaking about data. You show the class a sequence of PowerPoint slides (each slide reveals a bit more about the graph) and you ask questions that engage students in discussing what they see and what it means.

Read all about it HERE

Toolkit to detect dyscalculia

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

From University College of London comes this wonderful toolkit for teachers and parents to raise awareness of dyscalculia.

Read all about it HERE

Pros and cons of AI in neurodivers education

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

Techopedia has a good article on the Pros and cons of AI in education, specifically where it concerns neurodivers student.

You need to read it but here are some highlights:

  • AI can provide personalized learning for neurodiverse students.
  • AI assists neurodiverse students with organization, social interaction, reading, and writing, fostering inclusion in education.
  • Accessibility, over-reliance, and the impact on teachers’ roles and professional standing are some concerns surrounding the use of AI in education

Read all about it HERE

numeracy checklist for learners with dyscalculia

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

The good people from the University of Edinburgh have created a short tip sheet with numeracy problems and some tips on how to navigate these challenges.

The nice thing is that they add online options for the various operating systems to help.

Read all about it HERE