A music-supported model proposal for dyscalculia education

In this study, it was aimed to examine the studies on dyscalculia and to reveal the orientation related to these studies and to make the literature more known. In addition, a model suggestion was made regarding the use of music in the education of dyscalculic individuals.

See more about this HERE

Write proper IEP goals

To write proper IEP goals, it’s very important to understand the specific supports that the student might need. Sarah Noland, Special Education Math Specialist, explains how to do that!

See her recommendations HERE

Development of an Identification Instrument for Dyscalculia in Early Childhood (Ages 4-6)

This study aims to develop and validate an identification instrument for dyscalculia in early childhood (ages 4-6) using the Dichotomous Model Three Parameters Logistic approach within Item Response Theory (IRT). The research was conducted in two stages. The first stage involved determining dyscalculia indicators in early childhood through a literature review and focus group discussions (FGD) with special education experts. The outcome of this stage was the identification of specific indicators that served as the foundation for developing the instrument’s blueprint. The second stage focused on the development and validation of the instrument, which consisted of dichotomous question items in accordance with the chosen IRT model. The instrument validation was carried out by involving experts in early childhood education and special education. The research results showed that the developed instrument has good content validity and can be used as a tool to identify dyscalculia in early childhood. This instrument is expected to assist educators and psychologists in the early detection of children with dyscalculia, enabling earlier intervention.

Read it all HERE

4 Signs that your child might have dyscalculia

Do you think your child might have dyscalculia? Here are four signs to look for if you’re concerned your child might have this learning disability!

picture by undividedapp

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Tableau dashboard for dyscalculia

When building a Tableau dashboard, it’s easy to focus on making things look sleek and data-rich. But what if some of your users struggle with numbers? Dyscalculia—a learning difficulty that affects numerical comprehension—can make it challenging for people to interpret number-heavy visuals. The good news? With a few tweaks, you can make your dashboards far more accessible for these users.

Read all about it HERE