Dyscalculia and Irlen syndrome

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

A plea for more testing and earlier detection of Dyscalculia. Also a plea for having similar awareness and resources for Dyscalculia and Irlen syndrome as there are for Dyslexia.

Well that is part of our mission. Read the story in the link below, short and clear explained.

Read all about it HERE

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A service from Math and DyscalculiaServices.com

Math and statistics anxiety

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

A good blog post that highlights the problems at colleges with students who need to pass math or statistics exams and have a problem with anxiety.

The best quote:

 -I think making course delivery student focused as well as student led would encourage students to share responsibility for their education. Focusing on connecting with students and being perceptive as well as receptive to students’ feedback and willing to revise teaching delivery can enhance the learning climate in teaching rooms. This would promote student interaction and encourage active learning.

Read all about it HERE

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A service from Math and DyscalculiaServices.com

Brain studies may help Dyscalculia

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

Researchers at Benasich’s lab in Newark, N.J. study patterns in the brain waves of infants and toddlers. They try to come up with models that predict later academic success based on brain activity at a young age. Eventually we might be able to establish how a kid needs to learn by scanning their brain before they enter school. Read the great article in the Scientic American in the link for today.

Read all about it HERE

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A service from Math and DyscalculiaServices.com

Recognize Dyscalculia in Elementary school

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

The learning ally has a good article today with clear signs visible in Elementary students that indicate that there could be Dyscalculia. Share this with your teachers, share this with your school officials. Still too many children get diagnosed too late with Dyscalculia thus creating issues in class and in their personal life and making it a lot harder to re-mediate the condition.

Read all about it HERE

Visit us at DyscalculiaHeadlines.com
A service from Math and DyscalculiaServices.com