Why are so many children in special ed?

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

The number of students in special education in the United States has doubled over the past four decades, with schools responsible for providing special services to a growing segment of their student bodies. This article tries to find out why.

Read all about it HERE

So you got your diagnosis for dyscalculia, but where is the support?

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

Good article from Seattle, where they discuss that eventually now the tide is turning and more assessments and diagnoses of dyscalculia take place, however the question then becomes, what will you do with that assessment? Does the school have the capacity to support the student?

Read all about it HERE

A dyscalculia toolkit

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

The good people from mathematicshed.com share their version of a dyscalculia toolkit with lots of interesting activities you can do to help your child with their math troubles.

Read all about it HERE

End of analogue time?

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

How did the old Egyptians do Fractions?

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

Mathigon shares this interesting lesson with lots of visuals:

In this lesson, students explore how Ancient Egyptians wrote fractions 4000 years ago. They compare the unit fractions and express any given fraction as the sum of unit fractions. Working on the task will help students improve their skills in adding and subtracting fractions.

This activity can be used with younger students by working on the numerical examples also with the older students by finding general rules to create the unit fraction sums.

Read all about it HERE