Dyscalculia project

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

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Brain Development of Numerical Skills in Typically Developing Children and Children with Developmental Dyscalculia

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

Yhe neural development of numerical abilities has been scarcely investigated. The present paper provides a first attempt to investigate behavioral and neural trajectories of numerical abilities longitudinally in typically developing (TD) and DD children. During a study period of 4 years

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Dyscalculia Cartoon

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

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Adelle Tracey talks about being a runner and having dyslexia and dyscalculia

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

 “As someone who’s dyslexic and is dyscalculic it can be really challenging day to day, particularly with the numbers and distances and times and things. It’s something that I’ve come to realise. The reasons why I do sport have very much to do with the fact that I am neurodiverse as well.”

Read all about it HERE

Miss France made maths role model for girls

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

Read all about it HERE