Men and Women think about math differently

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

The story is a bit more complex. Brand new, not even published, research shows that Mathematics-gender stereotype endorsement influences mathematics anxiety, self-concept, and performance differently in men and women. A very interesting find in a large study among university students. Read the pre-print abstract in our link for today.

Read all about it: HERE

When ‘Careless Mistakes’ Aren’t: Dyscalculia, Math Anxiety, and Learning Strategies That Help

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

Great article by ADDitude:

Math is hard. Dyscalculia, a math learning disability, can make learning and calculating numbers downright painful. Persistent difficulties with math can also lead to intense overwhelm and feelings of academic dread, also known as math anxiety. Beyond understanding and recognizing the condition, educators should address dyscalculia-related challenges and strive to make learning math a fun, positive experience.

Read all about it: HERE

Help for anxiety

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

Some of the students with anxiety can be helped if you use white boards. The fact that all their answers can quickly be erased when wrong gives them a feeling of security and the courage to try something more. It’s just a little tool. In our link for today we include an advertisement for wipe workbooks where you can register to get a free one.

Read all about it: HERE

Don’t confuse Math Anxiety with Dyscalculia

Dyscalculia: News from the web:

We should not confuse math anxiety with dyscalculia, a math-based learning disability, an inability to process numbers. In dyscalculia, a child has a vague number sense, due to which he has trouble understanding math. On the other hand, math anxiety is the psychological barrier induced by stress due to which one cannot do the math, despite having know-how. Though people with dyscalculia do have some math anxiety symptoms, it is crucial to differentiate between them and provide the child with proper guidance accordingly.

Read all about it: HERE